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The SPLIT AT statement forces a range split at the specified row in a table or index.


ALTER TABLE table_name SPLIT AT select_stmt WITH EXPIRATION a_expr
ALTER INDEX table_name @ index_name SPLIT AT select_stmt WITH EXPIRATION a_expr

Required privileges

The user must have the INSERT privilege on the table or index.


Parameter Description
table_name @ index_name
The name of the table or index that should be split.
select_stmt A selection query that produces one or more rows at which to split the table or index.
a_expr The expiration of the split enforcement on the table or index. This can be a DECIMAL, INTERVAL, TIMESTAMP, or TIMESTAMPZ.

Why manually split a range?

CockroachDB breaks data into ranges. By default, CockroachDB attempts to keep ranges below a size of 512 MiB. To do this, the system will automatically split a range if it grows larger than this limit. For most use cases, this automatic range splitting is sufficient, and you should never need to worry about when or where the system decides to split ranges.

However, there are reasons why you may want to perform manual splits on the ranges that store tables or indexes:

  • When a table only consists of a single range, all writes and reads to the table will be served by that range's leaseholder. If a table only holds a small amount of data but is serving a large amount of traffic, load distribution can become unbalanced. Splitting the table's ranges manually can allow the load on the table to be more evenly distributed across multiple nodes. For tables consisting of more than a few ranges, load will naturally be distributed across multiple nodes and this will not be a concern.

  • When a table is created, it will only consist of a single range. If you know that a new table will immediately receive significant write traffic, you may want to preemptively split the table based on the expected distribution of writes before applying the load. This can help avoid reduced workload performance that results when automatic splits are unable to keep up with write traffic.

Note that when a table is truncated, it is essentially re-created in a single new empty range, and the old ranges that used to constitute the table are garbage collected. Any pre-splitting you have performed on the old version of the table will not carry over to the new version. The new table will need to be pre-split again.



The following examples use MovR, a fictional vehicle-sharing application, to demonstrate CockroachDB SQL statements. For more information about the MovR example application and dataset, see MovR: A Global Vehicle-sharing App.

To follow along with the examples below, open a new terminal and run cockroach demo with the --nodes and --demo-locality flags. This command opens an interactive SQL shell to a temporary, multi-node in-memory cluster with the movr database preloaded and set as the current database.

cockroach demo \
--nodes=9 \

Split a table

  start_key | end_key | range_id | range_size_mb | lease_holder | lease_holder_locality | replicas |                  replica_localities
  NULL      | NULL    |       25 |      0.005563 |            8 | region=us-west1       | {3,5,8}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
(1 row)
ALTER TABLE users SPLIT AT VALUES ('chicago'), ('new york'), ('seattle');
              key              |         pretty         |       split_enforced_until
  \275\211\022chicago\000\001  | /Table/53/1/"chicago"  | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \275\211\022new york\000\001 | /Table/53/1/"new york" | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \275\211\022seattle\000\001  | /Table/53/1/"seattle"  | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
(3 rows)
   start_key  |   end_key   | range_id | range_size_mb | lease_holder | lease_holder_locality | replicas |                  replica_localities
  NULL        | /"chicago"  |       25 |      0.000872 |            8 | region=us-west1       | {3,5,8}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /"chicago"  | /"new york" |       45 |      0.001943 |            8 | region=us-west1       | {3,5,8}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /"new york" | /"seattle"  |       46 |       0.00184 |            8 | region=us-west1       | {3,5,8}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /"seattle"  | NULL        |       47 |      0.000908 |            7 | region=us-west1       | {1,4,7}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
(4 rows)

Split a table with a compound primary key

You may want to split a table with a compound primary key.

Suppose that you want MovR to offer ride-sharing services, in addition to vehicle-sharing services. Some users need to sign up to be drivers, so you need a drivers table to store driver information.

CREATE TABLE drivers (
    id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
    city STRING,
    name STRING,
    dl STRING DEFAULT left(md5(random()::text),8) UNIQUE CHECK (LENGTH(dl) < 9),
    address STRING,
    CONSTRAINT "primary" PRIMARY KEY (city ASC, dl ASC)

The table's compound primary key is on the city and dl columns. Note that the table automatically generates an id and a dl using supported SQL functions, if they are not provided.

Because this table has several columns in common with the users table, you can populate the table with values from the users table with an INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO drivers (id, city, name, address)
    SELECT id, city, name, address FROM users;
  start_key | end_key | range_id | range_size_mb | lease_holder | lease_holder_locality | replicas |                  replica_localities
  NULL      | NULL    |       45 |      0.007222 |            6 | region=us-central1    | {1,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
(1 row)

Now you can split the table based on the compound primary key. Note that you do not have to specify the entire value for the primary key, just the prefix.

ALTER TABLE drivers SPLIT AT VALUES ('new york', '3'), ('new york', '7'), ('chicago', '3'), ('chicago', '7'), ('seattle', '3'), ('seattle', '7');
                     key                    |           pretty           |       split_enforced_until
  \303\211\022new york\000\001\0223\000\001 | /Table/59/1/"new york"/"3" | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \303\211\022new york\000\001\0227\000\001 | /Table/59/1/"new york"/"7" | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \303\211\022chicago\000\001\0223\000\001  | /Table/59/1/"chicago"/"3"  | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \303\211\022chicago\000\001\0227\000\001  | /Table/59/1/"chicago"/"7"  | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \303\211\022seattle\000\001\0223\000\001  | /Table/59/1/"seattle"/"3"  | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \303\211\022seattle\000\001\0227\000\001  | /Table/59/1/"seattle"/"7"  | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
(6 rows)
     start_key    |     end_key     | range_id | range_size_mb | lease_holder | lease_holder_locality | replicas |                   replica_localities
  NULL            | /"chicago"/"3"  |       45 |      0.000792 |            6 | region=us-central1    | {1,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /"chicago"/"3"  | /"chicago"/"7"  |       48 |      0.000316 |            1 | region=us-east1       | {1,5,6}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-central1}
  /"chicago"/"7"  | /"new york"/"3" |       49 |      0.001452 |            6 | region=us-central1    | {1,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /"new york"/"3" | /"new york"/"7" |       46 |      0.000094 |            6 | region=us-central1    | {1,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /"new york"/"7" | /"seattle"/"3"  |       47 |      0.001865 |            9 | region=us-west1       | {1,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /"seattle"/"3"  | /"seattle"/"7"  |       50 |      0.000106 |            9 | region=us-west1       | {1,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /"seattle"/"7"  | NULL            |       51 |      0.002597 |            9 | region=us-west1       | {1,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
(7 rows)

Split an index

Add a new secondary index to the rides table, on the revenue column:

CREATE INDEX revenue_idx ON rides(revenue);

Then split the table ranges by secondary index values:

ALTER INDEX rides@revenue_idx SPLIT AT VALUES (25.00), (50.00), (75.00);
         key        |      pretty      |       split_enforced_until
  \277\214*2\000    | /Table/55/4/25   | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \277\214*d\000    | /Table/55/4/5E+1 | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
  \277\214*\226\000 | /Table/55/4/75   | 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854776+00:00
(3 rows)
SHOW RANGES FROM INDEX rides@revenue_idx;
  start_key | end_key | range_id | range_size_mb | lease_holder | lease_holder_locality | replicas |                  replica_localities
  NULL      | /25     |       55 |      0.007446 |            6 | region=us-central1    | {3,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /25       | /5E+1   |       56 |      0.008951 |            6 | region=us-central1    | {3,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /5E+1     | /75     |       57 |      0.008205 |            2 | region=us-east1       | {2,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
  /75       | NULL    |       60 |      0.009322 |            6 | region=us-central1    | {2,6,9}  | {region=us-east1,region=us-central1,region=us-west1}
(4 rows)

Set the expiration on a split enforcement

You can specify the time at which a split enforcement expires by adding a WITH EXPIRATION clause to your SPLIT statement. Supported expiration values include DECIMAL, INTERVAL, TIMESTAMP, and TIMESTAMPZ.

ALTER TABLE vehicles SPLIT AT VALUES ('chicago'), ('new york'), ('seattle') WITH EXPIRATION '2020-01-10 23:30:00+00:00';
              key              |         pretty         |   split_enforced_until
  \276\211\022chicago\000\001  | /Table/54/1/"chicago"  | 2020-01-10 23:30:00+00:00
  \276\211\022new york\000\001 | /Table/54/1/"new york" | 2020-01-10 23:30:00+00:00
  \276\211\022seattle\000\001  | /Table/54/1/"seattle"  | 2020-01-10 23:30:00+00:00
(3 rows)

You can see the split's expiration date in the split_enforced_until column. The crdb_internal.ranges table also contains information about ranges in your CockroachDB cluster, including the split_enforced_until column.

SELECT range_id, start_pretty, end_pretty, split_enforced_until FROM crdb_internal.ranges WHERE table_name='vehicles';
  range_id |      start_pretty      |       end_pretty       |   split_enforced_until
        26 | /Table/54              | /Table/54/1/"chicago"  | NULL
        75 | /Table/54/1/"chicago"  | /Table/54/1/"new york" | 2020-01-10 23:30:00+00:00
        76 | /Table/54/1/"new york" | /Table/54/1/"seattle"  | 2020-01-10 23:30:00+00:00
        78 | /Table/54/1/"seattle"  | /Table/55              | 2020-01-10 23:30:00+00:00
(4 rows)

See also

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